Thursday, November 11, 2010

Born Sinners

We aren't born hardwired to commit adultery or steal or lie or preform any “sinful” act. But our very existence requires us to kill to eat, to pollute when we defecate or dispose of our scraps, to foul the water when we bathe, the air when we breathe and to mar the planet when we build our homes and highways upon it.

For those who still believe that the earth was built just for for us to do whatever we want with, that very idea is a sin against creation, itself. It's a glaringly pompous notion that should have passed away with the belief that our little planet is the center of the universe.

Our existence requires that we do harm to the earth and to other living beings on it. This is the way it is. The sin is in presuming superiority and taking what we reap from the earth, and the sacrifices it makes to sustain us, for granted.

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