Monday, August 22, 2011

When Clothes Want to be Naked

Humans have a bit of a conundrum. We all have egos – beliefs about who and what we are; and, we all want (for lack of a better term) to know the mind of God. The problem is that people think that they are their egos; or perhaps more accurately, egos think that they're people. And, the ego clearly can't know what it's like to be without itself.

But slews of fanciful notions are spun about how we can keep our egos, and still experience full freedom from them. And people buy into these fantasies, flocking to them in sky blotting droves. Any intelligent person, making an honest assessment, could see the fallacy of it, but the allure is so strong that it's glare obscures common sense.

If I were to claim that one could remain dressed and be naked at the same time, no one would entertain the thought for a second. But if my clothes had a strong desire to be naked, they'd line up to listen to lectures and buy self help books and CDs that promised to teach them just how to achieve it.

Funny - until you consider how many people consistently stake their spirituality and spend their savings on snake oil, whose hawkers claim that they'll allow egos to effortlessly slip into selfless awareness.

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