Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Keep in Touch

Inhale deeply, closing your eyes.
Pause briefly, taking inventory of the moment.
Exhale gently and fully, letting everything dissolve.
Linger there, allowing it to settle in.
Resume normal breathing, opening your eyes.

Practice isn't about achieving, as much as, familiarizing. It's not like we move into a better place or state. It's that all the distracting crap that we identify with fades and we find ourselves being what's left. The more we understand this, and the more familiar and comfortable we are with being "not self", the easier it is to touch home base.

A one breath meditation is like pushing the reset button, receiving a comforting embrace of unconditional love, dropping weighty unwanted baggage or taking a step back from whatever the situation (in or out) to gain a clearer perspective.

You could set a timer on your computer or watch to remind yourself every hour, 15 mins, whatever. Transition times between tasks are natural places for a refreshing pause. When you notice that you're feeling out of balance. When someone else needs your full attention. When the answer is eluding you. Anytime is a good time to move closer to feeling in harmony with your Self.

Preformed regularly, this practice has the potential of being more meaningful, practically speaking, than meditation or prayer. Not that it's a replacement for deeper practices, but it greatly helps to integrate the insights gleaned from them into every day life. So ...

Inhale deeply, closing your eyes.
Pause briefly, taking inventory of the moment.
Exhale gently and fully, letting everything dissolve.
Linger there, allowing it to settle in.
Resume normal breathing, opening your eyes.

Repeat as needed.

1 comment:

  1. To be a philosopher
    is not merely
    to have subtle thoughts
    nor even to found a school
    but so to love wisdom
    as to live according to its dictates,
    a life of simplicity, independence,
    Magnanimity, and trust.
    It is to solve
    some of the problems of life,
    not only theoretically
    but practically.
    - Henry David Thoreau, Walden
    and you do!!
