Sunday, June 19, 2011

Potentially So

We see ourselves as our habits; however, our habits are just one possibility of who we may be.

I have never killed anyone, but the possibility is there. I have never literally sacrificed my life for another, but I could. So am I a murderer or a martyr? No. I've held back because of fear, and risked my life on a whim. Am I a coward and a fool? No. I've been impatient, helpful, lazy, dismissive and playful. Does that make me any of the above? Of course not.

Actions and attitudes are temporary conditions of our existence. There seems to be some mechanism that lures us back to familiar grounds, but there's nothing that mandates it. We aren't carved of stone, created as such and destined to be just that. We are potential incarnate. We can be as we choose.

Deprogramming old habits isn't easy, but it's much easier when armed with the realization that our tendencies are not given traits. This allows us to shift our focus from what we've done to how we want to be. To move from expectation to inspiration.

So, how do you want to be today?

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