Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our Most Challenging Blessing

Our lives present us with many challenges. They can be arduous, painful, confounding, unjust and spirit testing. All help to make us wiser, stronger and more adaptable, in their aftermath. But there's one that we just can't shake – choosing.

Free will, which far too many neglect to utilize, is both a blessing and a curse. Frequently, our choosing comes from the default selection center, “Just like before please” or “I'll have what they're having”. We can't help but to rely on habits, to some extent. If we had to stop and consider every single thing we do, we'd get very little done. But when relying on habits, becomes a habit itself, we become little more than automatons.

We can make educated guesses, but we can't prognosticate. None of us one can. So, time and again, we're left with the option of following the rut or leaping into the abyss. If we stay to the well worn pathways, we can delude ourselves into thinking that our errors are the fault of those who came before. If we take a leap and land with a crash, we may feel foolish or be called even worse. So our grade school worries steer us to follow the pack, to believe the commercials, to trust twisted logic and to hand the rudder over to the tides.

It takes a wise man to play the fool. Life's not a contest, or any kind of test. It's an adventure into the unknown, a grand experiment in what if, a chance to leave the first footprints and an opportunity to laugh and learn from falling on our faces.

Me? I choose choice, whenever possible. Eyes wide open, the unknown eager to be embraced, traditions be damned, knowledge and understanding dangle like luscious fruits from life's over burdened tree, feet freed from firmament, my Tiffany ego plummets toward rocks or clouds, curious to see what happens next.

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