Monday, December 7, 2009

Open Secret

There's a secret that's floating through the air, sprouting up from the ground, swimming the deepest trenches of the ocean and bubbling up within each of us. It can't be adequately packaged or named or held in mind. It can only be felt and steeped in, as an immediate experience. It has no ambitions or judgments, no worry or will, yet it seems to drive existence, itself.

It can be very inspirational to hear or read the words from one with great vision and insight. It can clarify notions and spark inspiration. But to think that ingesting the words of another will bring full understanding is misguided. Full understanding must happen on a far more intimate level. In the long run, such outside teachings are best used to confirm the knowing that has been birthed from within and absorbed on a cellular level.

It doesn't take any kind of magic or special training to receive these insights. They're available to all who are open to, and accepting of, them. Some may be less articulate in attempting to communicate them, but much of what is unveiled can only be spoken of through metaphor, anyway. What's most critical is to absorb and integrate such lessons as deeply/fully/completely as possible, and let being and living in accord with them do the communicating.

The rational mind will always be with us and will always seek to fit our understanding into a nicely packaged box. This is fine and we needn't try to disallow it. In fact, it's counter-productive to "do battle" with one's self. We must, however, accept that the big picture will never fit into any box, and allow that there will always be mystery. Even the broadest non-verbal understanding will never be able to hold the whole picture, at once.

Accepting this and choosing to live harmoniously with the incomplete nature of our comprehensive capacity is the only way to fly. This doesn't mean that we should stop attempting to know it all. The evolution of consciousness, as a whole, depends on our continually striving for an ever clearer and more accurate understanding of our selves and our universe. And it will be further accelerated by our giving each other a "hand up", as we go.

So for the sake of eternity, we embrace our awe of the unknown, imbibe every drop of wisdom we receive and soak up each sunrise that we're blessed with. We're all curious children, babes in the woods. Let us accept this reality and enjoy our childhood as we slowly grow - independently, together.

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