Thursday, March 22, 2012

Being Without Character

When we're young, we have inclinations, but we're open to the possibility of being anything/one. We're content with just hovering in our existence and trying on different personalities to see how they fit.

But as people grow they stake claim on certain characters or roles, or settle into a habit of wearing “the same outfit”, every day. And, why not? It's easy to remember a character and play the role. No need to judge situations or people, individually. Just follow the guidelines, do it like you did it before. Morality, doesn't even require a soul check anymore, we have a rule book for that one, too. Just push the button labeled “Auto Pilot”, and kick back for the ride.

Or we can actually participate in our life, as it's happening. Dust off the “Soul Check” button. Look into people's eyes, listen to what they're saying, and feel what they're actually saying. Appreciate the shades of gray on a cloudy day, as much as a sunny sky. Recover our intuition. Befriend our bodies.

But in order to do this, we have to step out of character; and, many have forgotten that they're only acting. They believe, with all their might, that they are the part they've grown accustomed to playing. They have so much invested in their fantasies that they've cleverly blinded themselves to anything that might contradict the illusion. Their greatest fear is that of losing their script. It ranks right next to death, except the universe is constantly telling us where we've got it wrong, so it's always in their faces. Consequently, defenses are strongly fortified and guards are always on high alert.

The solution is surprisingly simple. All one need do is nurture a stronger desire to know the truth, than anything else. Mind you, simple, isn't necessarily quick or easy. It usually takes much time and perseverance to overwrite all the obsolete programing that obstructs openness.

But it's good work, it feels right in the doing, it progressively proves its own value and it actually makes the world look and react differently to us.

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