Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Chorus of Existence

We all generate and emit a vibrational field, all the time. It's a combination of the tone of the thoughts that we entertain, our physical state of being and the chorus of feelings that make up our emotional state.

Our moods and attitudes affect everyone we come into contact with, and our influences on them carry over to those that they encounter. But that's only the most obvious way that we influence other's vibrational being.

There's only one consciousness, and we all partake of it. We each act like a lens or a prism, changing it as it passes through us. We bend it, blur, clarify or refract it. And when it emanates from us, spreading across our shared existence, it has a different quality than it did before it touched us. As we attune ourselves we help to shift or evolve the collective consciousness toward, and into, a more harmonious way of being.

In that light, doing the mundane with an enlightened attitude can be more meaningful than doing great works for personal gratification. It makes the world a better place if: you give real attention to the cashier, feed a stray dog, help out the little old lady that lives down the block, save a worm from the searing street and put him in the soil, sing a song to some birds, give emotional support to someone in need, pick up another's litter, laugh with young children, …

Whether we choose consciously, or by default, how we vibrate, in each passing moment, is our continuing contribution to the chord of the chorus of all of existence.


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