Thursday, July 14, 2011

And the Winner is …

People make slews of promises to motivate others onto a path of self discovery or spiritual exploration - always, of personal gain. For when the little self holds the reigns, there's nothing else that inspires. To be better, to have more, to be seen as a victor or a saint. But the worth of these prizes evaporates when bathed in the bright light of awakening.

When we arrive at that point where the vault doors finally swing wide, we no longer care to fill our pockets. You see, the vault doors don't actually hold treasures within. Instead, they serve to provide us with a false sense of security, by keeping us locked in an illusory feeling of stability. The reward is stepping out into the larger world and realizing that we are here to bask in it. To enjoy it, to participate in it and to learn from it. We victoriously enter sainthood, becoming more than we ever dreamed, when we shatter our pseudo-safe shells and cooperatively merge into the vast expanses of the living world. You see, it's not here to serve us, as much as, we're here to serve it.

Life only works because the parts support the well-being of the whole. Ecosystems only survive because individuals act in harmony with the masses. Planetary sustainability is only possible when the big picture is seen in the long view. This doesn't need to be captured and considered cognitively. We instinctively know it on a cellular level, as does all life. But we can feel it, only when we're freed from our self imposed vaults.

Yes, we receive numerous bonuses as a result of our personal evolution, but the real winner, is the whole.

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