Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I know that many consider my words to be dry and exceedingly intellectual. In fact, I'm very passionate about what I say. I just choose my words and organize my thoughts carefully. Because, dealing with such ethereal and esoteric subjects, it's natural and easy for the reader to bend my meanings to conform to their own preconceptions. So, I endeavor to be as clear and concise as possible. But I fear that I fail to really connect with many of my readers, because my writing sounds overly heady.

Obviously, I can't force feed knowledge and/or understanding to anyone. Some may be seeking what I have to offer and benefit from hearing it, or re-hearing it in another way. And for most of them, I'd like to imagine that my traditional course of delivery would still work fairly well. But that's a pretty small segment of the population. Some have seen glimpses of the un-self within, but don't feel coaxed into pursuing its wonders; and, some simply have no idea that there's another way of seeing and being, at all. Both of these latter groups would most likely walk right by my teachings with out so much as a glance. (It should be understood that I don't expect the average Joe to absorb everything in my weightier writings immediately, or the first time through. And I hope that they're thought provoking enough to inspire re-readings to clarify and congeal their messages.)

Others verbal interpretations of their unspeakable experiences can be clarifying and reassuring, but if one's not familiar with such experiences, the words may confuse more than communicate. My recent thinking is that it's more important for me to convey inspiration than facts. After all, it's well known that learning is more effective when one discovers the lessons on their own. In fact, some things can't be taught - only experienced.

What I need to do is inspire whimsical curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. To make people want to connect to themselves, their lives and other beings. To entice them to feel more fully and to share of themselves more freely. To shift their focus out of their minds and into the world, out of their little lives and into the greater unfolding.

So, how to generate emotional inspiration in others? How to touch the right brain by communicating to the verbal left? How to express the expansive nature of being in the moment to those who only live inside of their heads? How to awaken, in others, what they've forgotten is their natural state? How to easily break the news, that the self who was tempted into the journey has to surrender its heavy handed command before the promised rewards will be received?

And, if I'm to be a hard core pitchman for self exploration and discovery: How do I maintain my sincerity and integrity as I fabricate lures designed to invite people into finding the genuine articles that the lures pretend to be? I've seen what this can lead to. Clearly, I'm treading along the rim of a steep precipice here. The more fanciful and enticing I make the lures, the more the intangibles appear to be a part of the ordinary world, and the greater the illusion that it's all for, and accessible to, the ordinary mind.

So, I'm stoking the fires under my creative juices, even as I write this. It's unlikely that I'll discard my old ways entirely; but please, do pardon my play as I experiment with other modes of delivery.

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