Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sorry, you can't get here from there.

All of this outpouring of words, spilling down the page, is evidence of my efforts to promote others experiencing a world beyond words. It's not theory or philosophical conjecture. It's not a search for meaning or pointing toward any imaginary ultimate truth. It's an attempt to lure people out of their familiar and comfortable ways of thinking and seeing.

You can't learn what I strive to teach through my words, alone. Hopefully, once one's made the commitment to de-prioritizing self centered concerns and continually inviting an ever expanding view point, my attempts to express my experiences will serve as confirmations.

We are often mistaken and easily deceived. If we're honest with ourselves, we simply can't trust what we know or see to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Especially, when the experiences are solitary, personal ones. So we owe it to each other to try to describe our ethereal and intangible encounters, that we might help each other to keep our bearings.

It's not possible to think your way into quietude. You can't surrender through force of effort. A full vessel cannot receive.

Sorry, you can't get here from there. Close your eyes, make a wish and jump.

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