Thursday, April 22, 2010

On This Love Your Mother Day

The earth does not belong to us - we belong to it.
- Chief Seattle

You never miss the water 'til the well runs dry. (He types, hearing the melodic Mills Brothers in his head.) Likewise, breathable air, living soil, abundant and diverse lifeforms, safe water and a protective atmosphere are all commonly taken for granted.

This is such an amazing and wonderful planet, on which we live. It's such a rare and precious gift. Let's not wait until it's not, before realizing this. After tens of thousands of years, as a species, we are in the unique position to be the ones who ruin it all, if we don't mend our ways, now.

Not the legacy I wish to leave. How 'bout you? Please, practice and teach sustainable living whenever, wherever and however possible, for the sake of all species, our future generations and the planet as a living breathing organism.

We don't own the earth – we owe it.


  1. Happy Earth Day!!
    I love your blog!!!

  2. Happy Everyday!
    Thank you for expressing your appreciation.

    Things come to me. They wish to be granted life. I'm just their symbiotic surrogate.
