Sunday, January 31, 2010

Standing Waves

When a branch becomes lodged in the muck at the bottom of a steam, it can create an environment suitable for the occurrence of a standing wave.

This is an apt analogy for what we are, as beings, in this life that we share.

The wave is not a thing. It's not an action. It's not a process. And it's certainly not permanent. There's a confluence of things, actions and process', joined together for a small segment of time to manifest this wave's being.

It can't be contained or segregated. It's not stable, consistent or enduring. It just is, what it is, as it is, for the time that it is, because circumstances have transpired to make it so.

Some day the branch will rot, leaves will pile up, the current will push hard enough or some kid or critter will disturb the environment in such a way that it will cease to be.

We, too, are far more transient and fragile than we'd like to admit. Time will erode the environment, disbanding the confluence that perpetuates our being.

However, unlike the standing wave, we move. Therefore, we influence the environment of all the other waves around and down stream from us. It's not just that we have the capacity to do so. It happens whether or not we like it or pay attention to it. There are psychopaths among us, who would do others harm, just do do so. But for most, harm is caused or allowed due to a lack of awareness.

If we can embrace the fortuitous and precarious nature of our own existence, it will help to motivate us to pay closer attention to how our actions affect the world around us and inspire attitudes that will benefit each and every wave, now and far into the future.

We're all precious beings. Please, relish this existence and be a supporting player for all others trying to do the same.

May every being be healthy. May every being be free. May every being be wise. May every being know peace.

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