Sunday, December 25, 2011

Question(s) D'jour

Question. Always question. Question everything; and then, do it again.

Don't get me wrong, answers are great. But their greatness is relative to the greatness of the questions that summoned them. The most profound discoveries are made by those who are both fearless, and merciless, in their questioning. Those who are not, and can not be, satisfied by solving others quandaries, but feel a deep and ever present compulsion to understand more about themselves and their world, just for the sake of learning … and, hopefully, understanding.

If you could receive the answers to any seven questions, what would they be?


  1. Where does the light go, when a heart is saddened?
    What do we look like in the 23rd dimension?
    What am I under all these layers?
    When will we figure out that we are already visiting other planets and people?
    Why does my cell phone lose phone calls?
    Why are we so attached to being right?

  2. I hope I get some more responses. It'll be interesting to see what types of Q's people will gravitate toward. As I ponder and play with mine, they're mostly all how to's. I'll post mine soon.

  3. Waiting for your questions. I wonder why I couldn't come up with more profound questions. I remember when Amina was four she asked, "If all my toes were the same length, what would my shoes look like?" That was a good question.
