Sunday, May 29, 2011

What's Your Wake?

A wave crossing the ocean isn't a physical thing in motion. It's an energetic pulse in conveyance through the medium of water molecules. We are more complex than waves, but are as much manifestations of a greater unfolding than our immediate being suggests.

Our bodies rely on a constant inflow of energy. It may come delivered via molecules (which are made of atoms that are largely incorporeal) but in the big picture, it's energetic transference.

Our food comes from the energy of the sun. Previous generations have contributed their skins to enrich the soil that combines with molecules from the air and the rays of the sun to complete the energy that propels this generations plants that feed us, our livestock or the soil. The oxygen we inhale combines with nutrients, fats and sugars metabolizing as the energy that creates and sustains our material forms.

Our consciousness is energy that manifests in our physical minds, which resonates through our bodies and into the world. And it continues on and on through the matrix of existence, whether we're aware of it, or not.

If you were to be impatient and judgmental toward another and share negative energy with them by speaking harshly, that would soak into your victim, who would infect others with it, and on.

If you were to be appreciative and loving toward another and share that positive energy through laughter, a smile or a soothing touch, your energy will become a cascade of upliftment and joy.

Not that physical action is required for our energy to spread beyond our conceived borders. Its effects can even be felt without shared physical presence.

The wave itself doesn't go on forever, but its influence changes the trajectory of everything that it touches. And it never stops. We're living on the surface of a pond being pelted by rain. And, we can't help but to transmute the energy as it passes through us. But, if we're conscious and strengthen our intentions, we can choose our energetic legacies.

The wakes we leave behind us sprout into living embodiments, from flowers and fruits, to poisonous briar patches.

So, what's your wake?

1 comment:

  1. nice. I want my wake to be Irish. (sorry, couldn't help the pun!!) Seriously, waking up to consciousness seems to be taking my entire life. At this rate I'll just have my eyes open the second before closing them forever to this mortal life. It's certainly not a boring process!
