Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Garden of the Mind

Things just pop up from the ever fertile soil of our minds. Thoughts, images, emotions, vague inklings, brilliant insights, everything that arises within is a gift from beneath the surface of consciousness. It may seem like the mind creates them, because that's where they're acknowledged. But it really only discovers and labels them. In truth, our flowery thoughts only exist within the field of fixed ideas, and we only perceive that part of our mind because of the foliage that's growing there.

Many take their garden as a given condition and ingest whatever sprouts up. But we don't have any moral obligation to anything growing there, and can weed freely and choose which ones to nurture, in accordance with our values and priorities. We can sow seeds and transplant notions from other's gardens, and we can change or reconfigure it, at any time.

Like any garden, it's never complete. It's a continually evolving thing, that is ever waiting to be re-envisioned, reinvented and molded into a new and unique entity.

Step back, walk around it and take a good look. After a reasonable assessment, grab your shovel and pruners, select some healthy seeds or a hand me down bush and get to work – begging your pardon, get to play.

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